Archives for August, 2013

Exciting wine lists, better drinking: Thailand

As the Thai hospitality industry enters the second year of Wine List of the Year competition, a review of the first year traces some interesting outcomes.

Famed as one of the most penalising countries of Asia in its beverage taxation, such that third world wine producing nations can dump their rubbish at the lowest price denominator, it was time to raise the quality bar at restaurants and resorts.

Despite it’s high beverage price positioning and busy tourist sector, the great wines of the world are occasionally found on Thai wine cards.

Wine List of the Year Founder Jon Hyams quotes “entry is designed to reward excellence in the field of wine list compilation and to further encourage the development of wine culture in Thailand.”

Hyams continues “The 2012 winning wine list, The Sarojin, Khao Lak epitomized the future of wine list design and the way sommeliers   communicate with and invite the consumer to learn, enjoy and pay more attention to the consumption of premium wines.

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Leading the Way

Combining a love of the good life with a passion for travel is the key to Uncorked and Cultivated’s success as a tour operator. Read article here
By Charley Rico
Published in Brisbane News

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